The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance
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Theni Bach Flower Centre,
6th Street,Lakshmi Illam, Rathinam Nagar, Tamil Nadu 625531


Phone Number

+91 87602 51152
+91 86675 47130
+91 87782 28402

Frequently Asked Question

1. How Do I Identify the Bach Registered Practitioner?

i)The letter BFRP-Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner is used after the name.

ii)The practitioner’s name is included on the International Register of Practitioners maintained at Bach Centre.

iii)Click the Link :

2. What is the expiry date for the Personal mix -treatment bottle?

The personal mix will last two or three weeks.

3. Which remedy is used for any emergency situation?

Rescue Remedy

4. Bach flower remedies be given to Children, Plants, Pets and animals?


For Bach Flower Remedy Courses and Counsultation